Privacy Policy

Our commitment

Directors Advantage Inc. d/b/a is committed to treating information of our funeral home and cemetery customers, and the families they serve with strict privacy. respects the sensitive customer information and the relationship between our client funeral homes / cemeteries and the families they serve. will not use, rent, sell, or otherwise distribute customer information obtained for any purpose beyond the communication required to service their account.

Privacy for our customers

We will not disclose information about your funeral business to anyone other than for servicing your account. We do not rent, share, sell or otherwise distribute your email address or user accounts in any way, for any reason. We will only use your email address for communicating with you about your account which may include feature updates, enrollment confirmations, purchase receipts, etc.

Privacy for enrolled families

We protect the data of families that have been enrolled in the Aftercare Card Program and Aftercare-By-Text Program and do not share, rent, sell or otherwise distribute their personal information. The information we collect about a family from the funeral home or cemetery customer is stored on a secure server and is only used for fulfilling the requirements of the Aftercare Card Program, which include scheduling, printing, and mailing to the name and address submitted by the funeral home, and Aftercare-By-Text Program, which includes text messaging. The enrolled families name, address, name of deceased, or any other information collected is confidential and not available to any outside interest. acts as a third-party provider to our funeral home and cemetery customers and will never contact enrolled families by phone, email, or any other method, for any reason outside of the scheduled mailings and text messages for the funeral home.

Contact information

Directors Advantage Inc.
208 West Main St. / PO Box 177
Clinton, NC 28328

This privacy policy is dated January 1, 2018.